Everybody's excited over the fact that Apple now has a higher market cap than Google!
Cool! Being a poor self-employed journalist, I can't afford Apple gear myself. But I used to own a Mac, and hope to again soon. Buy my book.
And now, just 32 years after it was founded, Apple has a higher market cap than nine-year-old Google!
But that's not fair of me. I just did a stock comparison, and if you had invested in Apple stock the day Google went public, you would have made more money than on Google's stock. Google has risen 366%, and Apple has risen 1061%! (Microsoft has risen 3% in that time.)
Jobs has brought the magic back to Apple. Although I still wish he would allow some clones. How does he do it? Charisma.
In the meantime, former Apple attorney Nancy Heinen has settled with the SEC over the Apple stock options backdating scandal. She has to pay $2.2 million.
Former CFO Fred Anderson had already settled, paying a fine and giving back $3.5 million related to a backdating grant.
Meanwhile, Steve Jobs gets off scot-free.
What I don't understand is why.
I guess it's charisma.